CCPR Needs
The needs in Columbus County are ongoing. Community CPR is endeavoring to meet needs on a number of fronts. First and foremost, CCPR would be blessed by your time, talents, and treasures.... in whatever ways you are able to share.
Currently, some of the immediate needs are :
Monthly financial support/donors
Furniture, Appliances & Household Items
Financial Donations & Gift Cards ( Lowes, Hills, Walmart, Food Lion, etc. )
An SUV (for off-site client appts, food deliveries and more )
Storage Tubs
New packages of male & female underwear of all sizes
Volunteers for on-site and off-site projects
Sanitary Products & Hygiene Items ( razors, shaving cream, etc )
Canned Goods & other Nonperishables
“I just want to give a special thank you to everyone at the Community CPR who helped me and my family of three, as we struggle to recover after the storm called Matthew. We need more people like Ms. Todd and the Community CPR team, God bless all of you. “
~CCPR client