Revised on: 04.24.2020 at 12:26 p.m.
Posted on: 04.24.2020 at 09:00 a.m. |
The News Reporter recently interviewed local mental health experts to learn about coping and dealing with COVID-19. Community CPR's Executive Director, Wallyce Todd was included:
"Wallyce Todd of Community CPR sees clients worrying about food for their families and other bills. She also sees “cumulative trauma” from previous hurricanes as building up “like layers,” she said. “This pandemic is highlighting disparities that already existed in Columbus County,” because some people can absorb the loss of income for a while but others can’t.
“People will respond differently to (current) family stressors and job stressors because of the buildup of trauma,” she said.
Regardless of family or financial circumstances, “I encourage all of us to remember that everyone’s mental health will be impacted and to extend grace and compassion as much as possible for ourselves and others,” said Todd."
Click here to read the entire article: