Community CPR
invites you to its
First Annual Communi-TEA!
(our virtual tea party fundraising event)

We know you’re busy this time of year,
But have no worry and have no fear,
You can still support us and be free
Of dressing up ‘cuz it’s a virtual tea!
We ARE #StrongerTogether
You may have heard about or received an invitation to our "Communi-TEA"
This is an opportunity to join Community CPR and allow us to continue to impact Columbus County by:
Remember, we can’t do it without YOU.
We greatly appreciate your support this year and hope this virtual fundraiser tea “event” will make your 2020 monetary giving enjoyable — and a lot easier!
Thank you for your kind consideration and may you have a blessed 2020!
All donations to this 501(c)3 are tax deductible.
Please also consider donations in Honor or Memory or Stock Donations
Individual/Family Levels
Supporter - Up to $25
Advocate - $50
Booster - $100
Sustainer - $500
Patron - $1000
Benefactor - $2500+
Other _________
Group/Corporate Sponsorships
Bronze - $500
Silver - $1000
Gold - $2500
Platinum - $5000+
Other _________

via credit or debit card:
In the "Comments" area please add
"TEA and Support Level"
example: TEA-Patron

Mail check
Community CPR
PO Box 243
Whiteville, NC 28472

Drop off a check or cash
to our office during business hours.
Community CPR
210 E. Walter St.
Whiteville, NC 28472